Saturday, 31 May 2014

Kata Kata Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun Romantis

Kata Kata Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun Romantis ini bisa diucapkan kepada pacar,sahabat maupun kekasih hati sehingga dapat memberikan sesuatu baik pada yang mengucapkannya ataupun pada yang diberi ucapannya.

Oleh karena itu penting bagi kita memberikan sesuatu kepada sahabat,pacar ataupun kekasih hati pada saat mereka merayakan ulang tahun selain Kata Kata Selamat Ulang Tahun yang paling utama adalah doa yang tulus pada mereka.

Bagi anda yang tak sempat bertemu ataupun hadir pada acara ultah sahabat ataupun pacar anda Kata Kata Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun Romantis ini bisa anda gunakan melalui sms,bbm,dan lain lain.
berikut kata kata ucapan selamat ulang tahun yang dapat kami sajikan:

Harum nafasmu masih tercium sampai disini
Tanpa terasa detak jantungmu menyadarkanku
Bahwa detik ini adalah detik bersejarah bagimu
Ijinkanlah aku untuk sekedar berucap,
Selamat ulang tahun.

Meski kini kita jauh,
Di Hari Ulang Tahun mu ini, aku akan berdoa
Agar Tuhan selalu menjagamu Untukku dan untuk cinta kita.
Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang

Selamat ulang tahun sahabatku...
Semoga hari harimu kedepan lebih bahagia dan penuh harapan
Meski ada sedikit rintangan anggaplah itu hanya suatu cobaan untuk semakin menguatkan imanmu
Sekali lagi Happy Birthday...
Semoga segala kebaikan menyertaimu "I wish you all the best...".

Taukah kamu, apa yang membuat aku bahagia?
Bukan uang yang banyak
bukan mobil yang mewah
Tetapi yang membuat aku bahagia
ketika aku slalu ingat hari ulang tahunmu.
Selamat ulang tahun sayang..... I love you

Masuk Rumah pagar berdaun
Sepatu di diletakan di Ruang tamu
Selamat ulang tahun
Semoga Kebahagiaan di limpah kan kepadamu.

Janganlah berhenti mencintaiku.
janganlah dulu duakan hatiku.
setialah untukku hingga maut menjemput.
bahagia senantiasa memayungi di tiap-tiap kehidupan kita.
tersebut 4 pintaku untuk hari lagi tahunmu.
hbday cayanx.. ^_^

Waktu nyala lilin membias di wajahmu.
kusatukan doa untuk bahagiamu.
di hari lagi tahunmu saya berjanji,
selalu melindungi hatimu tanpa henti untuk slalu menyukai serta menyayangi
met lagi tahun honey.. i miss u..

Friday, 30 May 2014

Top 10 Schools

When searching for schools, it is important that you search for with a good reputation. The top 10 schools in the country in your particular field is definitely a good place to start. For instance, if you are interested in business, then you would search for the top 10 schools in business. If you were interested in accounting, then the top 10 schools in accounting would be of interest. By searching the top 10 schools you can determine advantages each school has to offer you.

There are many different factors that make a school in the top 10. One of the determinants could be that they produce the most number of graduates in a particular field. Or, they may have won academic awards. Others may be on the top 10 list because they produce graduates with the highest income after a couple years of graduation. There will be much that you will be able to find out about the schools once you begin your research.

You also may have your own criteria such as cost. Location may be another. When looking for a school these are all things that you will need to consider. Each college or school will likely have things that they speak about such as their sports team. Their teaching methods, and technology and equipment may also be something that the school brags about.

Education is an investment and it is an investment that you will have for life. When you have decided that you are interested in a top 10 school than you can begin searching the nation's top 10 lists.

Top 10 searches include search such as the following:

Top 10 high school in America
Top 10 graduate schools
Top 10 film schools
Top 10 fashion schools
Top 10 engineering schools
Top 10 dental schools
Top 10 culinary schools
Top 10 cosmetology schools
Top 10 business schools
Top 10 accounting schools

And, so on. No matter what your desired education, there are schools in the country that are the best of the best and finding the top 10 will not be difficult. Determine your own criteria for your education and then determine what sets the particular schools apart from one another to narrow down you search.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Kumpulan SMS Kata Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 2015

Tahun Baru 2015 tinggal menghitung hari, biasanya tanggal 1 Januari menjadi momen khusus dalam memaknai pergantian tahun masehi, yakni dianggap sebagai waktu berharga untuk dilewatkan, karena hanya terjadi setahun sekali dan pada saat itu sering di aktualisasikan dengan rangkaian penyambutan yang sangat meriah penuh dengan warna warni sesuai dengan masing masing individu.
pada umumnya malam tahun baru sering dirayakan terutama oleh kalangan remaja dengan berpesta  untuk menyambut tahun baru dan dengan harapan semangat tahun baru bisa meningkat.di tahun baru ini harapan yang paling sering didengar adalah semoga  di tahun yang baru semua cita cita atau keinginan yang belum tercapai bisa terlaksana.

Bagi anda yang tidak sempat merayakan malam pergantian tahun baru mungkin jaman sekarang tak perlu khawatir ketinggalan  untuk berbagi kebahagiaan dengan sahabat,pacar ataupun dengan siapa saja dengan cara saling mengucapkan Kata Ucapan Tahun Baru 2015 melalui SMS,BBM,Status Facebook.

ucapan tahun baru 2015

Nah untuk itu kami disini akan coba menyajikan  Kumpulan Kata Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 2015 buat sahabat,pacar,keluarga ataupun yang lainnya:

Waktu terus berlalu, lembaran demi lembaran telah dilalui
Coretan demi coretan telah memenuhi
kadang tak berarti
kadang tanpa makna
atau hanya sedikit makna
Semoga di tahun ini setiap lembaran memiliki makna
setiap lembaran bermanfaat
Selamat tahun baru 2015
Semoga lebih sukses.

Tahun Baru
Tantangan Baru
Tujuan Baru
Masa Depan Baru
Misi Baru
dan Prospek Baru
Semoga sukses menyertaimu di Tahun Baru.

Jangan Sesali Masa Lalu
Jangan Kuatirkan masa Depan
Selalu ada Asa dan Harapan di Tahun Baru
Selamat Tahun Baru!!!
Ku selalu berharap,
sinar mentari menerangi hatimu.

Jangan Sesali Masa Lalu
Jangan Kuatirkan masa Depan
Selalu ada Asa dan Harapan di Tahun Baru
Selamat Tahun Baru!!!
Ku selalu berharap,
sinar mentari menerangi hatimu.

Detik berlalu, dan hari pun selalu berganti…
Fajar senantiasa menyingsing dari ufuk timur…
Jejak-jejak langkah menghiasi kehidupan…
Tangis serta tawa, bergulung bersama…
Ada yang disebut, ada pula yang kian terlupakan…
Satu lahir, maka yang lain pun pergi meninggalkan dunia fana ini…
Cerita dan kesan, telah terukir abadi dalam memori tiap insan…
Langkah kaki terus melangkah…
Menyongsong indah dan terangnya matahari…
Berharap akan dapat bertemu, dengan wujud harapan…
Semoga asa dan cita, segera mewujud dalam nyata…Selamat tahun Baru 2015.

JIWA akan sepi tanpa TEMAN.
HATI akan mati tanpa IMAN.
HARI ini adalah KENYATAAN,
Sucikan HATI,
Jernihkan PIKIRAN.
Sambutlah Tahun Baru dengan positif..,
Happy New Year 2015.

Selamat tinggal kenangan selamat datang harapan.
Serpihan malam bulan separuh, Jelang hari baru pertanda tiba.
Kembang api membuncah ke angkasa sambut tahun muda.
Selamat tahun baru.
Semoga lebih baik dibanding tahun sebelumnya.

Dengan berjalannya waktu, setiap pengalaman dalam hidup adalah pelajaran,
tapi cinta & peduli akan selalu menjadi kekuatan dalam bertahan hidup.
Selamat Tahun Baru 2015.

Esok adalah misteri,hanya harapan yang akan tetap hidup menerangi gelapnya misteri.
Jangan berhenti berharap meskipun tahun telah berganti karena itulah yang tetap membuat kita tetap tersenyum.
Selamat Tahun Baru 2015.

Semoga Kata Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 2015 di atas dapat memberikan insprirasi bagi anda semuanya

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Campaigns Gone Viral

This got me thinking, it's my opinion that no one can promise or commit to a client that they will deliver what will become the next big viral marketing sensation. That's like promising a client a 5% ROI on a direct mail campaign when you know damn well you'll be lucky to see .5% - .75%!

I come from the school of under promise and over deliver so it pains me to see people make promises that can't possibly be kept in order to win business.
And just like any another form of marketing you can provide a foundation that is based on strategies and tactics that have been proven to be successful but at the end of the day it's all very subjective and comes down to what the consumers respond to. Case in point...

Old Spice didn't have a clue that The Old Spice Man would become as big as it did while on the converse General Motor's never predicted the annihilation of their "create your own advert" viral marketing campaign when the environmentalists created negative ads.
So, know that you know what I don't believe is possible, let me tell what I think is totally plausible. If you have an innovative multi-channel marketing strategy the sum of those parts will "help" to create a viral outcome. I think this is why a lot of marketers still have not embraced multi-channel / social marketing; they are looking for a one hit wonder and they forget that the rules Web 2.0 marketing are not very different from those of traditional marketing.

What I mean by this is that you still need to know you audience, decide what your objectives are, create a point of differentiation and all the other things required to develop a solid creative work brief. All that said, if you want a chance at going viral you need something with exceptional entertainment value, a great offer that the user will want and can use, instant gratification, uniqueness and something that is highly engaging.

One can only hope that whatever agency you are working with knows that these are table stakes and the foundation on which they develop all their marketing programs. In summary I'd like to refer to a quote in an article I just read that said "Viral marketing isn't a strategy. It's not even a tactic. Viral is a possible outcome that brings an unplanned life to a piece of advertising." It then went on to say "The truth is that the best one can hope for is, to paraphrase Peter Shankman, CEO of The Geek Factory and PR/marketing warlord, to make your marketing great. If you've done that, the rest will take care of itself, and viral will simply be one of the many symptoms." I couldn't have said it any better and I stand by this methodology and hope you embrace it too.

Take Away
This bears repeating: Viral marketing is NOT a strategy and it's NOT even a tactic. Viral is the possible outcome that brings an unplanned life to a piece of advertising. Develop a sound multi-channel marketing strategy that includes any or all of the following: landing pages, video, mobile, podcasts, social, video and never, ever forget to listen and engage
In my last blog we talked about how your most valuable customers might not be the biggest spenders but actually your biggest brand advocates and how these advocates could influence the spending power of hundreds of potential customers. It's that spirit that in today's blog I'd like to discuss reward / loyalty approaches for this elite and not to be overlooked group of consumers.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Just What is Viral Marketing

After all, viruses that invade your computer can be a decidedly bad thing and we are always being warned to look out for them. Of course, viruses that infect the human body are rarely seen as a good thing. However, viral marketing can be a good thing if it is used correctly.

Viral marketing was given that name because it can exponentially increase, much like a real virus does, the number of times that your message is seen. It really is nothing more that a way to get others to distribute your information for you. If every person who sees your message sends it along to others and they in turn send it on to others, very soon your information has flooded the internet with very little work on your part.

So how do you accomplish such a feat? By understanding human nature. People love free things and will pass the information about them on to their friends and colleagues, but only if it requires no effort on their part. It works best if people aren't really even aware that they are passing on your information.
Perhaps the best example is They offered free e-mail. Everyone who signed up for e-mail accounts with them sent an advertisement for Hotmail every time they sent an e-mail. If they had been asked to tell their friends about Hotmail, the strategy would quite likely have failed.

Instead the information was sent out every time the Hotmail e-mail was used with no additional effort on the part of the user or Hotmail's management.
So, What is viral marketing? It is a method of getting information out and it can be a great asset to you business. Offer a product or service that people truly want. Make it easy to pass that information along, if possible without any additional effort. Then sit back and watch your numbers grow.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Regal's Top 10 Hottest Women of 2011

It's more than obvious that all of these women look and are hot beyond belief. But there are other factors such as how they carry themselves, intellect, their body of work, personal life, their special talents in their chosen field of work and their national and worldwide appeal. Three of the Top 10 Hottest Women of 2011, Gabrielle Union, Meagan Good and Taraji P. Henson will star together in the movie Think Like a Man, based off of the best-selling Steve Harvey book Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man. Others come from the music industry, modeling and some possess talents from all of the above.

Many of you will argue about the rankings and many will argue that there were some that should have been left off the list and some that should have been put on the list of the Top 10 Hottest Women of 2011. Most of you would be validated in your opinion, but being what it is and with a lot of careful thought and research, here is the list of the Top 10 Hottest Women of 2011.

1. Stacey Dash

It's hard to believe that it's been since 1995 when Dash starred as Dionne Davenport in the hugely successful movie and later the television series "Clueless" with Alicia Silverstone and Brittany Murphy. It would set the pace for a career that would garner roles for Dash due to not just her talent and beauty, but her youthful looks as well. Dash played the 17-year-old Dionne Davenport while she was in her late twenties.

What's not hard to believe is that Dash still remains one of the most, spectacular, beautiful, youthful and yes, hottest women in Hollywood as she makes her way to the top spot on the Top 10 Hottest Women of 2011. Well into her 40s now, this is one starlet whose beauty and hotness gets better with age. With a solid body of work in movies and television, Dash's youthful looks even today continue to get her regular work. In the past few years she has starred in two successful TV series, as Camille Rose in "The Game," and as Val in "Single Ladies." Dash left "Single Ladies" this summer due to personal and family reasons. She continues to roll just having completed production on the USA Network dramas "House Arrest" and "Dysfunctional Friends."

2. Gabrielle Union

One look at Union and all you can think of is just how hot this actress and model and former cheerleader from Omaha, Neb. is and how a list of the Top 10 Hottest Women of 2011 would not be complete without her. Known for television and movie parts that are opinionated and strong, according to, Union says that, "Hollywood needs to recognize all shades of African American beauty."

The UCLA honors graduate with a degree in sociology, who is fluent in Spanish has shared the big and small screens with some of Hollywood's biggest and best actors and actresses. She broke ground on the popular NBC TV show "Friends" as the first African American love interest on the show. It was for only one episode, but the general viewing audience took notice. She has appeared in such popular shows as "Family Matters," "Moesha," "Saved by the Bell," "The West Wing," "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine," "7th Heaven," "ER," and "Ugly Betty." Union has also been featured on the big screen in Bad Boys II, Bring It On, Cadillac Records, and Deliver Us From Eva.

Union has been nominated for numerous awards and won the 2008 Black Reel Award for Best Ensemble for Cadillac Records, and the 2006 Palm Beach International Film Festival Award for Best Actress in the movie Neo Ned.

3. Halle Berry

It is almost impossible to have a list of the Top 10 Hottest Women of 2011 or any list of hot women without including Berry. The 46-year-old Academy Award winner is often regarded as one of the most beautiful women in the world and maybe the universe. Berry's work in movies and television spans three decades. She has also graced the cover of hundreds of magazines. Berry has gone from being crowned Miss Teen All-American at the age of 17, to being an A-list actress who has starred in such blockbuster and highly acclaimed films as Spike Lee's Jungle Fever, Boomerang with Eddie Murphy, Losing Isaiah, and Introducing Dorothy Dandridge, where she earned a Golden Globe Award. She also appeared in The X-Men Trilogy movies and won an Oscar for Best Actress for Monster's Ball. Berry was also the first African American female to be a Bond Girl in the James Bond movie, Die Another Day. Berry isn't just one of the Top 10 Hottest Women of 2011; she may be one of the hottest women of all time.

4. Sanaa Lathan

Sheer hotness isn't the only criteria for making the Top 10 Hottest Women of 2011, but brains as well, and that's where Lathan wields both. After graduating from the University of California at Berkeley with a degree in English, Lathan opted out of a possible career in law by enrolling in the Yale School of Drama where she was trained and performed in various Shakespeare plays.

Since then Lathan has carved out a nice career as an actress and has shared the stage and screen with such leading men as Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence, Wesley Snipes, Matthew Broderick, Matt Damon, Jude Law and Taye Diggs. Along with her work in film and Broadway, Latham can be seen (or heard) each Sunday night on television as the voice of Donna Tubbs, the wife of Cleveland Brown on the popular FOX animated series, "The Cleveland Show."

The legal field's loss has been the entertainment industry's gain as this true beauty is destined to be on many Top 10 Hottest Women lists for years to come.

5. Lauren London

Since making her acting and big screen debut in the film ATL opposite recording artist Tip "TI" Harris, London has been hitting her stride and fans are taking notice of this beauty from Los Angeles and member of the Top 10 Hottest Women of 2011. London is such a talent that according to the website, she was offered the part of Melanie "Mel" Whitfield in the 2007 holiday movie This Christmas featuring Delroy Lindo, Idris Elba, Loretta Devine and Regina King without an audition. Since then London has had featured roles on "Everyone Hates Chris," "Entourage," "90210," and the Tyler Perry film Madea's Big Happy Family. London may be a force to be reckoned with in the future as she says that her goal in five years is to win an Academy Award.

6. Taraji P. Henson

Besides Berry, Henson may have one the most diverse resumes to go along with her hotness in making the Top 10 Hottest Women of 2011. For the Academy Award nominee for Best Supporting Actress for her role in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button with Brad Pitt, there are very few parts that this stunning single mother can't and won't take on. From her current stint as the tough Detective Carter on the CBS television drama "Person of Interest" to other big screen roles in Tyler Perry's I Can Do Bad All By Myself, and Hustle & Flow where she won a BET Award for Best Actress, Henson has proven that she's not afraid to take on anything challenging. That's quite a feat when you consider the limited amount of acting jobs available for African American women today.

7. Meagan Good

Good has been acting since she was four and has appeared in several family and kid-friendly shows such as the "ABC Afterschool Special," "Touched by An Angel," "Moesha," "The Parent Hood," and "My Wife and Kids." Good is now grown up and has blossomed right before our very eyes from a cute child actress to one of the hottest African American actresses in Hollywood earning her a spot on this year's Top 10 Hottest Women.

And Dungeon & Dragons geeks will be pleased to know that Good will play the part of Karima in the movie Dungeons & Dragons: The Book of Vile Darkness, which is in post-production and has no release date as of yet. Good has mentioned that she would like to have the leading role as the late singer Aaliyah in a biographical film.

But Good's hotness only goes so far. She has said in several interviews that she would not take on acting jobs that might "disappoint God," calling herself a spiritual woman and that's more than good enough for her fans.

8. Beyonce'

She's multi-talented, a dominant force in the entertainment industry where everything she touches seems to turn into gold, and is one of the few women who can look unbelievably hot pregnant! That's Beyonce' for you as she bursts through the list of Top 10 Hottest Women of 2011. The curvaceous "Bootylicious" diva who told all the single ladies to tell their men to put a ring on their finger, can only have us worship her from afar as she had world renowned rapper Jay-Z put a ring on her finger a few years ago.

As one of this year's Top 10 Hottest Women, Beyonce' managed to have another spectacular year. She's been nominated for a couple of 2012 Grammy Awards for Best Rap Song Collaboration for "Party," and Best Long Form Music Video for her "I Am... World Tour."

The announcement of her pregnancy made headlines all over the world and broke a Twitter record for most tweets per second and shattered a few Google search records. And soon she'll no doubt be on the list of Top 10 Hottest Moms for 2012.

9. Selita Ebanks

The Victoria Secret model makes the Top 10 Hottest Women of 2011 list as maybe one of the most exotic. This hottie has been called a rarity as one of the few supermodels not born in Brazil or Germany, but in Walker's Road in the capital city of George Town in the Cayman Islands. Ebanks, who is of African, Caymanian, Jamaican, Irish and Native American heritages, has appeared in numerous advertising campaigns for Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren and Levis Jeans. According to various sources, Ebanks was discovered while walking through the turnstiles at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson Township, N.J. at the age of 17. Since then she also appeared in the 2007 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, and on television in "How I Met Your Mother," "South Beach" and the third season of "Celebrity Apprentice." In 2008 Ebanks was listed as the 12th highest paid supermodel at $2.7 million according to Forbes.

10. Jill Scott

Soft, smooth, silky, soulful, spiritual and often just flat-out poetic are just some of the ways you can describe Scott and her music; a fine trait for being on the Top 10 Hottest Women of 2011. Her June 2011 release "The Light of the Sun," her fourth release and first since 2007, channels some of the sounds of the 1970s, which is capped off with a cover of 70s disco and R&B icon Evelyn "Champagne" King's "Shame" featuring Eve & The A Group. The three-time Grammy Award winner and actress was also featured on the Kirk Franklin video, "I Smile" earlier in 2011.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Tips Mengatasi Rambut Rontok Secara Alami

Memiliki Rambut Indah Sehat dan Kuat atau tidak mengalami kerontokan merupakan keinginan semua orang khususnya bagi para wanita yang sangat menomor satukan penampilan terutama dalam masalah rambutnya,karena rambut merupakan mahkota yang sangat dijaga keindahannya.

Dalam hal ini jika kita memiliki rambut yang sehat kuat dan lebat akan sangat mudah untuk kita atur sesuai dengan model gaya rambut yang kita inginkan,akan tetapi tak sedikit pula para wanita yang sgak stres karena memiliki rambut yang mudah rontok,kering ataupun kusam walau sudah sangat maksimal perawatannya,.

Memang banyak cara yang dapat mengatasi rambut rontok,akan tetapi seiring dengan perkembangan jaman banyak sekali yang dipadukan dengan bahan kimia sehingga sangat tidak baik untuk kesehatan rambut itu sendiri,nah disini kita akan coba kasih Tips Mengatasi Rambut Rontok Secara Alami. yang akan aman untuk kesehatan rambut kita.

Berikut beberapa Tips Cara Mengatasi Rambut Rontok Secara Alami Dan Cepat:

1.Tips Mencegah Rambut Rontok Dengan Lidah Buaya
Lidah Buaya atau disebut aloevera memiliki kandungan vitamin dan mineral, Yang berguna untuk menyuburkan dan menebalkan rambut. Untuk pemakaiannya, Anda bisa mengambil lidah buaya, potong menjadi dua bagian untuk diambil lendirnya. Usapkan pada rambut yang masih setengah kering sambil dipijit-pijit yah. Diamkan selama 15 menit kemudian bilas hingga bersih.

2. Mengatasi Rambut Rontok Dengan Teh Hijau
Teh hijau (green tea) itu mengandung antioksidan yang bermanfaat untuk melindungi rambut dari paparan polusi. Teh melati bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kilau rambut. Teh rasa mint bermanfaat untuk menyejukkan kulit kepala serta  menghilangkan lemak dan ketombe serta mengurangi rasa gatal di kulit kepala. Caranya cukup dengan menyeduh teh dengan menggunakan air panas, lalu endapkan selama semalaman. Air teh yang sudah basi tersebut, digosok-gosokkan ke kulit kepala. Lakukan sesaat sebelum keramas.

3. Mengatasi Rambut Rontok dengan Daun Seledri
Seledri  ternyata memiliki beberapa kandungan yang bermanfaat untuk rambut diantaranya kalsium, zat besi, natrium, vitamin A dan B. Seledri mampu menstimulasi pertumbuhan rambut agar lebih sehat, kuat dan berkilau. Caranya, ambil beberapa batang seledri kemudian bersihkan dan di blender dengan telur yang sudah dikocok. Setelah semua tercampur rata, oleskan secara perlahan pada rambut sambil dijipit lembut. Diamkan selama 20-30 menit kemudian bilas.

4. Mengobati Rambut Rontok dengan minyak Zaitun dan minyak Kelapa
Minyak Panaskan minyak alami, seperti zaitun, kelapa atau canola. Lalu pijatkan dengan lembut minyak hangat tersebut ke kulit kepala. Tutup kepala dengan shower cap dan biarkan selama satu jam. Kemudian bilas rambut hingga bersih.

5. Mengatasi Rambut Rontok Dengan Alpukat.
Untuk rambut kering. Karena alpukat  ini kaya akan asam lemak dan nutrisi. Caranya, hancurkan alpukat di dalam mangkuk, dan aduk sampai menjadi pasta kental. Kemudian, usapkan pada rambut mulai dari akar hingga ujung rambut. Lalu biarkan selama 20 menit. Setelah itu, bersihkan rambut dengan menggunakan sampo, kemudian bilas.

6.Mencegah Rambut Rontok Dengan Kemiri.
Kemiri  bayak digunakan untuk bumbu dapur,  manfaat lain dapat memperbaiki dan memperkuat rambut. Kandungan minyak di dalam kemiri, sangat baik bagi akar rambut. Caranya, kemiri ditumbuk kasar, lalu disangrai. Setelah itu, tumbuk hingga halus sampai keluar minyak. Gunakan minyak kemiri untuk creambath, lakukan sebelum keramas, lalu bilas dengan air bersih baru gunakan sampo untuk keramas.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

How Have Morality And Technology Become God

I am overwhelmed at the staggering ideas that somehow god is telling some of us what to do. So many people claim god has given this law or that law or a specific design on morality to them. Yet so often these "god" laws coincidentally match up to what the person wants who is claiming this god law.
It allows the claimer to be right, to have control and to sit in judgement over those with a different set of morals who think there are other ways to live and be.

And I am underwhelmed by the people who continue to not respond intelligently in regards to this constant push and pull and dumbing down of human behavior. Right now it appears we are gathering collectively, intellectually, globally at a fork in the spiritual road. Anger, fear, resentment, selfishness, separation, violence on one path and respect, compassion, service, wisdom, abundance, acceptance on the other.
I hope this is not too trite, or overly simplified and sappy like some new agey wishful thinking. But today I have to talk about it.

I assume God is intelligent. Would any religious person have us believe otherwise about god? If god is intelligent and we are created in "gods" image, then should we not use this intelligence god is and has gifted us and the entire universe with? Some would say we do.

Some would say we don't and others would say we shouldn't. But, here is a thought: Borrowed from certain religious views. If god is an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipowerful force that intelligently created all this universe and if we are created in gods image. Then it follows that we have some elements of this omni-ability.

It suggests we have intelligence that can lead us to behavior that is coherent and respectful of each other and all of life. In the same harmonious way that the "creator" created the perfection of the universe. When we think of the technology, cultures and abilities we have developed and created over time is this not an expressing this intelligence?
It seems the creator tinkered with some things such as dinosaurs, meteors, star systems, black holes, bacteria, fungus, light speed etc. If so, why does this tinkering of intellectual expression stop with technology and not continue on into personal power?

It seems our measure of intelligence and human growth over millennia is our capacity for making things? Highly advanced technology. Why do we separate god from technology? And believe in god that has created laws and morality that is not connected to technology?
Or if it is connected to technology and creativity why do we allow ourselves to create technology that is destructive? We have created this human modern world that is dirty and apparently self-destructive. Is that a reflection of this god like intelligence?

In what way does this express "created in gods image"? Are we really listening to everything that "god" is telling us?
All of the issues in this political climate are too numerous to state here. If we are being morally encouraged and or judged by people who believe god is guiding them in morality then the intelligence of this morality must include the technologies we create and continue to develop.

Technologies that are convenient, helpful, dirty and destructive and which can be used for good as well as bad. Including food, cars, fuels, phones, fertilizers, poisons, clothing, shoes, electricity, medical science, guns, bombs, cameras, computers, paint, chemicals; do you get my drift with this?

It is a list of how we are and what we do that goes on and on. And yet somehow science (certain science) sex, prayer, patriotism, art, education are the realm of gods' morality laws. Ecology, corporations, banking, business, gadgetry, are exempt. And of course worship houses, war, prison, police and courts, are the absolute realm of these morality laws; using the technology to enforce them.
How does our technology, that grows and changes over time, relate to these laws and moralities handed down by god? This is not a rhetorical question I really want to know.

I have heard people say that satan is at work in much of this. That there is a war between god and satan. If so do the god law morality people continue to sin by using the technologies created or inspired by satan? Are we fooling ourselves to think that God and Satan are really controlling things?

I am not a christian, muslim, jew, hindu, buddhist, sufi, or any other religious order. I read and study and discuss with people regarding all of them. I am a man of earth, I am spirit wearing skin. I am really baffled by the right and wrong, blame and shame discussions that go on with humans.

And now we function at such a large scale that the absurdity of thinking one way is right over billions of people is as I said overwhelming and really just not smart. I also realize that simply by writing and posting this I am in the mix of this morality discussion. I am doing my best to be nonjudgemental and it is a real challenge when people say and do things affecting me and my loved ones that are punitive, mean spirited, violent, angry and disdainful in the name of god.

All the while espousing how god loves us...all of us.
So the place I am in today and the way I choose to live is; I continue to serve, help and offer solace. I will watch and listen for injustice and do my best to act in a healthy manner. But humans have the choice to evolve into higher being or not. To breathe vitriol or to breathe respect.
Our high technology puts us in this exciting place right now. Instant communication, collective actions, potential for immense growth, or immense destruction. I am not sure which fork in the spiritual road we are taking but I continue to be a hopeful pessimist.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Reviews for Blue Teal Pearl Wedding Lace Garter Set Crystal Bridal Heirloom Handmade (Ivory/Cream)

Blue Teal Pearl Wedding Lace Garter Set Crystal Bridal Heirloom Handmade (Ivory/Cream)

Blue Teal Pearl Wedding Lace Garter Set Crystal Bridal Heirloom Handmade (Ivory/Cream)

For perfect fit please specify your thigh measurement by contacting seller upon checkout. Rhinestone crystal garter set made with fine and soft stretch lace that is comfortable to wear on your special day. Embellished with clear sparkly crystals in silver settings. Finished off with a gorgeous pearl and rhinestones jewel piece in the center. This garter set is perfect for your special day.
Rhinestone applique: 4" x 2 1/2"
Lace: 2 1/4" wide
Lace color : Off-White
Pearl color: Blue/Teal

List Price : $39.95 Price : $32.95

Written below is why i think all of you should buy Blue Teal Pearl Wedding Lace Garter Set Crystal Bridal Heirloom Handmade (Ivory/Cream)

Elegant vintage inspired garter
Stunning bridal garter set made with a gorgeous soft off-white stretch lace
Handmade applique beaded with rhinestone crystals and blue/teal pearl
For perfect fit please specify your thigh measurement by contacting seller upon checkout. If no measurement is given the garter will come in medium size for 20 inches thigh.
Handcrafted in the USA

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Blue Teal Pearl Wedding Lace Garter Set Crystal Bridal Heirloom Handmade (Ivory/Cream) this month.

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Thursday, 22 May 2014

Kata Kata Bijak Dan Indah Dalam Lirik Lagu Iwan Fals

Siapa yang gak kenal sosok yang satu ini beliau merupakan legenda musik di Indonesia dengan nama lengkap Virgiawan Listanto namun lebih populer dengan nama Iwan Fals. Lagu-lagu yang dinyanyikan Iwan Fals solo ataupun yang dinyanyikan dalam format group banyak memuat lirik yang istimewa, baik lirik lagu ciptaannya sendiri maupun dari orang lain. Lagu lagu Iwan Fals ini beberapa diantaranya memuat rangkaian kata yang indah dan bijak yang menjadi kalimat penuh makna.

Berikut adalah  Kata Kata Bijak Dan Indah Dalam Lirik Lagu Iwan Fals yang dikutip dari Lirik Lagu Iwan Fals yang dapat kami sajikan untuk anda meskipun sedikit atupun alakadarnya tapi mudah mudahan bermanfaat untuk kita semua dan memberi semangat untuk kehidupan kita mari kita simak dan resapilah!

1.“Berhentilah jangan salah gunakan, kehebatan ilmu pengetahuan untuk menghancurkan”
(Puing – album Iwan Fals Sarjana Muda 1981)

2.“Hei jangan ragu dan jangan malu, tunjukkan pada dunia bahwa sebenarnya kita mampu”.
(Bangunlah Putra-Putri Pertiwi – album Sarjana Muda 1981)

3."Cepatlah besar matahariku, menangis yang keras janganlah ragu, hantamlah sombongnya dunia buah hatiku, doa kami dinadimu”.
(Galang Rambu Anarki – album Iwan Fals Opini 1982)

4.“Jalan masih teramat jauh, mustahil berlabuh bila dayung tak terkayuh”.
(Maaf Cintaku - album Iwan Fals Sugali 1984)

5.“Jangan kau paksakan untuk tetap terus berlari, bila luka di kaki belum terobati”.
(Berkacalah Jakarta - album Iwan Fals Sugali 1984)

6.“Riak gelombang suatu rintangan, ingat itu pasti kan datang, karang tajam sepintas seram, usah gentar bersatu terjang”.
(Cik - album Iwan Fals Sore Tugu Pancoran 1985)

7.“Aku tak sanggup berjanji, hanya mampu katakan aku cinta kau saat ini, entah esok hari, entah lusa nanti, entah”.
(Entah - album Iwan Fals Ethiopia 1986)

8.“Mengapa bunga harus layu?, setelah kumbang dapatkan madu, mengapa kumbang harus ingkar?, setelah bunga tak lagi mekar”.
(Bunga-Bunga Kumbang-Kumbang - album Iwan Fals Ethiopia 1986)

9.“Ternyata banyak hal yang tak selesai hanya dengan amarah”.
(Ya Ya Ya Oh Ya - album Iwan Fals Aku Sayang Kamu 1986)

10.“Dalam hari selalu ada kemungkinan, dalam hari pasti ada kesempatan”.
(Selamat Tinggal Malam - album Iwan Fals Aku Sayang Kamu 1986)

11.“Kota adalah hutan belantara akal kuat dan berakar, menjurai didepan mata siap menjerat leher kita”.
(Kota - album Iwan Fals Aku Sayang Kamu 1986)

12.“Jangan kita berpangku tangan, teruskan hasil perjuangan dengan jalan apa saja yang pasti kita temukan”.
(Lancar - album Iwan Fals Lancar 1987)

13.“Jangan ragu jangan takut karang menghadang, bicaralah yang lantang jangan hanya diam”.
(Surat Buat Wakil Rakyat - album Iwan Fals Wakil Rakyat 1987)

14.“Kau anak harapanku yang lahir di zaman gersang, segala sesuatu ada harga karena uang”.
(Nak - album Iwan Fals 1910 1988)

15.“Sampai kapan mimpi mimpi itu kita beli?, sampai nanti sampai habis terjual harga diri”.
(Mimpi Yang Terbeli - album Iwan Fals 1910 1988)

16.“Seperti udara kasih yang engkau berikan, tak mampu ku membalas, Ibu”.
(Ibu - album Iwan Fals 1910 1988)

17.“Memang usia kita muda namun cinta soal hati, biar mereka bicara telinga kita terkunci”.
(Buku Ini Aku Pinjam - album Iwan Fals 1910 1988)

18.“Dendam ada dimana mana di jantungku, di jantungmu, di jantung hari-hari”.
(Ada Lagi Yang Mati - album Iwan Fals 1910 1988)

19.“Hangatkan tubuh di cerah pagi pada matahari, keringkan hati yang penuh tangis walau hanya sesaat”.
(Perempuan Malam - album Iwan Fals Mata Dewa 1989)

20.“Kucoba berkaca pada jejak yang ada, ternyata aku sudah tertinggal, bahkan jauh tertinggal”.
(Nona - album Iwan Fals Mata Dewa 1989)

21.“Oh ya! ya nasib, nasibmu jelas bukan nasibku, oh ya! ya takdir, takdirmu jelas bukan takdirku”.
(Oh Ya! - album Iwan Fals Swami 1989)

22.“Wahai kawan hei kawan, bangunlah dari tidurmu, masih ada waktu untuk kita berbuat, luka di bumi ini milik bersama, buanglah mimpi-mimpi”.
(Eseks eseks udug udug (Nyanyian Ujung Gang) - album Iwan Fals Swami 1989)

23.“Api revolusi, haruskah padam digantikan figur yang tak pasti?”.
(Condet - album Swami 1989)

24.“Kalau cinta sudah di buang, jangan harap keadilan akan datang”.
(Bongkar - album Iwan Fals Swami 1989)

25.“Kesedihan hanya tontonan, bagi mereka yang diperkuda jabatan”.
(Bongkar - album Iwan Fals Swami 1989)

26.“Orang tua pandanglah kami sebagai manusia, kami bertanya tolong kau jawab dengan cinta”.
(Bongkar - album Iwan Fals Swami 1989)

27.“Satu luka perasaan, maki puji dan hinaan, tidak merubah sang jagoan menjadi makhluk picisan”.
(Rajawali - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

28.“Kesadaran adalah matahari, kesabaran adalah bumi, keberanian menjadi cakrawala, dan perjuangan adalah pelaksanaan kata kata”.
(Paman Doblang - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

29.“Mereka yang pernah kalah, belum tentu menyerah”.
(Orang-Orang Kalah - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

30.“Aku rasa hidup tanpa jiwa, orang yang miskin ataupun kaya sama ganasnya terhadap harta”.
(Nocturno - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

31.“Orang orang harus dibangunkan, kenyataan harus dikabarkan, aku bernyanyi menjadi saksi”.
(Kesaksian - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

32.“Ingatlah Allah yang menciptakan, Allah tempatku berpegang dan bertawakal, Allah maha tinggi dan maha esa, Allah maha lembut”.
(Kantata Takwa - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

33.“Kebimbangan lahirkan gelisah, jiwa gelisah bagai halilintar”.
(Gelisah - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

34.“Bagaimanapun aku harus kembali, walau berat aku rasa kau mengerti”.
(Air Mata - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

35.“Alam semesta menerima perlakuan sia sia, diracun jalan napasnya diperkosa kesuburannya”.
(Untuk Bram - album Iwan Fals Cikal 1991)

36.“Duhai langit, duhai bumi, duhai alam raya, kuserahkan ragaku padamu, duhai ada, duhai tiada, duhai cinta, ku percaya”.
(Pulang Kerja - album Iwan Fals Cikal 1991)

37.“Dimana kehidupan disitulah jawaban”.
(Alam Malam - album Iwan Fals Cikal 1991)

38.“Ada dan tak ada nyatanya ada”.
(Ada - album Iwan Fals Cikal 1991)

39.“Aku sering ditikam cinta, pernah dilemparkan badai, tapi aku tetap berdiri”.
(Nyanyian Jiwa - album Swami Il 1991)

40.“Aku mau jujur jujur saja, bicara apa adanya, aku tak mau mengingkari hati nurani”.
(Hio - album Swami Il 1991)

41.“Bibirku bergerak tetap nyanyikan cinta walau aku tahu tak terdengar, jariku menari tetap tak akan berhenti sampai wajah tak murung lagi”.
(Di Mata Air Tidak Ada Air Mata - album Iwan Fals Belum Ada Judul 1992)

42.“Mengapa besar selalu menang?, bebas berbuat sewenang wenang, mengapa kecil selalu tersingkir?, harus mengalah dan menyingkir”.
(Besar Dan Kecil - album Iwan Fals Belum Ada Judul 1992)

43.“Angin pagi dan nyanyian sekelompok anak muda mengusik ingatanku, aku ingat mimpiku, aku ingat harapan yang semakin hari semakin panjang tak berujung”.
(Aku Disini - album Iwan Fals Belum Ada Judul 1992)

44.“Jalani hidup, tenang tenang tenanglah seperti karang”.
(Lagu Satu - album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

45.“Sebentar lagi kita akan menjual air mata kita sendiri, karena air mata kita adalah air kehidupan”.
(Lagu Dua - album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

46.“Kita harus mulai bekerja, persoalan begitu menantang, satu niat satulah darah kita, kamu adalah kamu aku adalah aku”.
(Lagu Tiga - album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

47.“Kenapa kebenaran tak lagi dicari?, sudah tak pentingkah bagi manusia?”
(Lagu Empat- album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

48.“Kenapa banyak orang ingin menang?, apakah itu hasil akhir kehidupan?”.
(Lagu Empat- album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

49.“Anjingku menggonggong protes pada situasi, hatiku melolong protes pada kamu”.
(Lagu Lima - album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

50.“Biar keadilan sulit terpenuhi, biar kedamaian sulit terpenuhi, kami berdiri menjaga dirimu”.
(Karena Kau Bunda Kami - album Dalbo 1993)

Mungkin hanya ini Kata Kata Bijak Dan Indah Dalam Lirik Lagu Iwan Fals yang bisa kami sajikan dan pastinya sangat tidak lengkap maaf dan harap maklum...

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Lovely Styles The Indian native Bride Hopes for

Shringar Patti? Employed as a headgear, is genuinely a should for just about any Hindu marriage ceremony. This kind of Shringar Patti uses the middle rupture of your respective hairline. A new round plaque is in the central and it employs the hairline just to fall within the temple. The oral plaque buildup is what makes the piece of jewellery beautiful, considering that these are obtainable in various layouts, adorned along with stones and it is colorful. Bridal Arranged Go to just about any jewellers and inquire them to get bridal jewellery models and what the thing is is really a completely new variety of traditional styles that is established much completely different than they would say normal items of diamond jewelry. Bridal sets are bulkier, a lot of craftsmanship required and heavy. The established generally has earrings, diamond necklace, finger ring and a bracelet. Chudi? Generally known as bangles, you might decide to use them either inside glass or gold, or maybe a blend of both. Nearly all Punjabi weddings also have ivory bangles in colors regarding white and red. Natth Often known as the nose ring, adidas sweater is crucial for any Maharashtrian marriage, within the couple of precious stones embedded on it and perhaps has a sequence that you may stick to nice hair. You might choose this particular piece of diamond jewelry to add to your own bridal set for any unique and various appearance.

Payal Typically the anklet 's been around for centuries, infact this even represents the actual Indian feminine effect. You might get them in sterling silver or if you would like shop, gold is the best best choice. You might decide on beads as well as stone studded anklets which might be created using meenakari or kundan job. Baaju Bandd? Also referred to as a arm group, it will be adds elegance to your bridesmaid outfit and full jewellery fixed. The advantage of a large choice within bridal jewellery is that you simply may mix-n-match jewellery styles from different states to brighten your bridesmaid jewellery variety.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Search For Good Video Marketing Tips Check Out These Ideas!

As with most things, the more experience you gain in creating videos, the better your end results will be. When you consistently put up new videos, viewers will look forward to seeing them each time they go to your channel. It also increases your visibility as you tap into new issues.

Viral videos need to have awesome content. You can make great videos without a top-quality camera. If the video has valuable information, people will watch it no matter what the production quality is. However, that doesn't mean you should completely neglect video production. You should still purchase the best camera and equipment that you can in order to shoot a high-quality video.

Video marketing can

Monday, 19 May 2014

Viral Marketing Success Formula. 9 Winner Tactics for Free Viral Advertising

Successful viral marketing results in this snowballfactor

An exponential increase in users of the free viral marketing product

free exponential increase in website traffic which in turn helps to

improve the search engine rankings which in turn leads to

more free web traffic and so on...
The degree of success, depends on the extent to which the 9 success criterias are followed.
9 Viral Marketing Success Criterias
As many and ideally all of the following tactics should be used:
1. Make an irresistible free offer
You need to provide a free viral marketing product or service since "free" is the biggest customer magnet. "Free" even attracts people who otherwise wouldn't be interested.
2. Build a viral marketing product - don't just try to market a product virally
A product is not necessarily viral if it contains a few features that lend viral characteristics to it. Just having a "Recommend to a friend" option on one of your web pages doesn't make your website viral. For the free viral marketing products to be considered truly viral, more than 1 new user must result from each user recommending it.
3. Target alpha users
The viral advertising message ought to target individuals with a high social networking potential, the so called influencers, ideal for spreading it. With regards to the consumer market, influencers are well connected, have impact, have active minds and are trendsetters.
So what causes an influencer to desire passing on a viral message? Answers include the need to be loved (or fear of rejection) and the need to be successful (fear of failure).
For example consider which messages and free products would result in respect and appreciation of the sender when received. Important and effective online influentials take a serious approach and want to pass on only useful viral marketing messages, not silly videos, jokes or commercials without purpose nor marketing results.
They want to be perceived responsible by the recipients; their network. The product they recommend ought to suit the needs of the users optimally. Hard sales talk is not the way.
4. Be creative and ahead of market trends
Study your market and its trends and learn to think ahead in order to provide what turns people on, in exactly the right moment and right way. Do you have...

the capacity and know-how to come up with an innovative product?

expert knowledge to share?

ideas and a network of associates to inspire and motivate you?

the right web business tools and resources?
5. Easy transfer is prerequisite
The viral marketing message should be short and easily transferred via one or several of the following digital medias:



instant messaging


software download

social medias meaning social media websites, under here social network sites, online communities, blogs, wikis etc. Examples include Facebook, twitter and youtube, that facilitate the exchange of viral messages by automating the distribution process.
The interaction between internet users is highly facilitated by using Web 2.0, a design standard, making viral marketing possible. Examples of inheritingly viral Web 2.0 sites are MySpace, Facebook, and Flickr. These sites are as well free viral marketing products to the user as they are viral advertising tools to both the companies and the users.
6. Use Existing Social Networks
The distribution of the viral message takes place within established social networks of the individuals who receive it: Around 10 persons within their closest circle and as many as thousands within their broader network, depending on the person's status and job.
Affiliate programs often inspire the affiliates to target their network. Once an online influential with an extensive network is reached, a snowball effect initiates, provided that the viral product is useful and of high quality and the marketing message catchy. Social network websites are important viral marketing tools.
7. Use other's resources
Spread your viral marketing message by placing articles on other websites (the media) thereby reaching a much larger group of people than had you relied solely on your own web site. By getting your message spread as news, you target many subscribers that might decide to visit your home page or even place your article on their website.
An example of effective viral marketing is the placement of Youtube videos on different websites from where interested visitors can copy the video to their own site.
8. Allow for Big Scale Traffic
It is imperative that the resources for handling all the traffic need to be quickly upscalable to avoid overload and break down of the replication cycle of the viral marketing campaign.
In order to handle the expected high volume of users, the process needs to be completely automated. For example customers are emailed using sequential autoresponders.
9. Measure and optimise the parameters of viral marketing

To achieve true Viral Marketing Success, monitor the results expressed by certain parametres then test and optimise them. Examples of parameters include

sources of traffic

% registered users

% users who send out invites

number of invites sent out per user

% of invites received

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Primary Criteria Among Voice Over Castings Taken Into Account

nearby cable and satellite can be quite varying. Have a look at once look at local business owners promotion. City Television set usually has a more impressive development budget in order that they choose qualified phone expertise. Native voice over castings The next step in place starting from community areas will be native television and radio promotional. Most are cycle businesses that may very well include a portion of your state or simply quite a few suggests. These types of can include eating places, diamond jewelry websites, food restaurants, and an automobile hen houses

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Saturday, 17 May 2014

What you need to know for Bling Jewelry 925 Silver Nautical Blue Turquoise Color Seahorse Dangle Earrings

Bling Jewelry 925 Silver Nautical Blue Turquoise Color Seahorse Dangle Earrings

Bling Jewelry 925 Silver Nautical Blue Turquoise Color Seahorse Dangle Earrings

Ladies, get a fabulous summertime look that you will want to wear all year long, when you purchase these gorgeous enamel turquoise seahorse dangle earrings. These amazing beach jewelry will make a wonderful, if playful adition to your collection of nautical themed jewelry. Wear these seahorse drop earrings as adorable replicas of one of your favorite sea creatures. The blue enameled accents on its body make it a perfect choice every time you go to the beach, or pretty much anywhere for summer fun. Perfect with any summer outfit, these silver nautical jewelry will have you feeling as light hearted as they are light weight. Buy a pair of these nautical jewelry for women for yourself or a friend. Please note these dangling earrings are for pierced ears only.

List Price : $73.99 Price : $35.99

Written below is why i think all of you should buy Bling Jewelry 925 Silver Nautical Blue Turquoise Color Seahorse Dangle Earrings

Dangling Seahorse Earrings
1.35in L x 0.3in W
Weighs 2.75 Grams
For Pierced Ears Only
.925 Sterling Silver, Enamel

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Bling Jewelry 925 Silver Nautical Blue Turquoise Color Seahorse Dangle Earrings this month.

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Friday, 16 May 2014

Best 5 Note Taking Apps for Android

So whether you're a school champ or a highly organized business professional, you will need an application that can keep your notes, memos, and other tidbits of information organized. The demand of buying latest gadgets from the market has been increased tremendously as the mobile apps can help you perform your daily tasks in an innovative, convenient, and extremely useful manner. With a huge chunk of apps that can efficiently perform the note-taking tasks, it is very difficult to find a right one that can meet your needs and requirements precisely.
In this article, you will read about the top 5 note-taking apps that can eventually turn your Android device into a full-time planner and record keeper.
1. Evernote
Evernote is a free app that can be easily downloaded from Google Play on your PC connected to the Internet. The main feature of this note-taking app is that it helps you in keeping the record or taking notes of everything to make them available across all the devices you use. The app is designed to keep a user organized, save their ideas and enhance the productivity in a few simple taps or clicks. This app is efficient in taking notes, capturing photos, creating to-do lists, recording voice reminders for occasions, meetings, and other important events. The excellent management feature incorporated within the app lets you search these notes with a single or partial search term. Once installed, you can easily use it when you are at home, at work, or on the go.
Exciting features

Create or edit text notes, to-do lists and task lists

Sync all of your notes across all the PCs and devices you use

Save, sync and share files

Search for text using a search term

Email notes and save tweets

Capture, browse, search, and share Business Notes on/from your Smartphone or tablet.

Share notes via Facebook and Twitter
2. OneNote by Microsoft
Microsoft has again given a new momentum to its potentials and hardships that are engaged in creating a good customer base across all the IT sections. This note-taking app is here to help you while keeping a record of all your thoughts and discoveries. OneNote serves you as your very own digital notebook on which you can easily record your thoughts, important events, ideas, discussions, reminders and many such things. You can capture your immediate reactions, thoughtful ideas and sayings, a list of important things to be done, or the plain old note that you are likely to forget. Owing to your electronic gadget, your notes will now travel with you no matter where you go, or at what time you access.
Exciting features

Sync your digital notebook across computers, peripherals, and devices

Quickly capture photo, audio and other quick notes with Home screen widgets without opening the app

Performs various text related functions such as bold, underline, italicize, increase indent, highlight, decrease indent and format the way you want

Search your notes by typing a keyword or phrase

Easy shopping experience as you can mark items off wherever you are

Click pictures of receipts and bills for future reference
3. Papyrus
Papyrus is one of the renowned note-taking apps that allow you to naturally write on the device screen in your actual handwriting. You can use it just like you write on a paper, but with a much more flexibility convenience. The app takes handwritten notes on your Android device by using an active pen, passive stylus, or even your finger. The application is based on vector graphics engine that keeps your notes neat, organized and presentable even at any zoom level. The app possesses simple and intuitive user interface (UI) that enables a user to take notes quickly and efficiently.
Exciting features

Take notes naturally in your handwriting

Write with your finger or passive stylus

Easily do Undo/redo, select, move, and resize

Cut, copy, and paste support

Two-finger scroll and pinch-to-zoom

Import, crop, and resize you images

Share notes via email, Evernote, and other services
4. Springpad
Introduced with the basic agenda of getting organized and getting inspired, Springpad is an ideal solution for users who have just started using a note-taking app. The app is a free personal organizer that helps you to save and organize tasks, recipes, notes, movies and more. It's easy-to-use interface and less complex features make it a popular choice of beginners. The app gives you full freedom to access or save your notes from anywhere and on any device.
Exciting features

Create notes at home and at work

Share your notes with friends, family and co-workers

Save details, schedules, suggestions and even tickets while travelling to another destination

Save or bookmark videos and articles to view them later

Manage your personal or work to-do lists and set reminder alerts.
5. Simplenote
The award-winning Simplenote is another handy solution to keep notes, manage lists, record ideas, and much more. Its immense integration with cloud computing allows your notes to stay in sync with all of your devices for free. The app is widely accepted for its speed and efficiency that ensure the safe and proper record taking process. All you need to do is open it, write thoughts, save, and you're done. You can search the collection of notes instantly by using a simple search term and keep them organized with tags and pins.
The above mentioned are some of the majorly accepted note-taking apps used by Android users located around the world. Google Keep, Catch notes, Any do, Lecture Notes, Note Anytime, and Write by Stylus Labs are some of the other such apps. Many of you might realize the need of having a special app to take notes, but you will love the comfort once you'll download them and start using it. You will need a computer, Smartphone or a tablet to fulfill your needs related to entertainment, work, information and others, but this app will help to stay organized.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Cerita Humor Singkat Lucu Kocak Bikin Ngakak

Salam Sejahtera... mungkin saat ini waktu yang sangat tepat untuk mempostingkan Cerita Lucu dikarenakan situasi kondisi saat ini lagi penuh ketegangan dengan adanya pemilu,pileg atau apa saja.tentunya dari pada berada dalam ketegangan mendingan kita cairkan dengan hiburan yang tentu akan sangat menghibur seperti cerita lucu ini ataupun kata kata lucu lainnya pokoknya dengan hal hal yang lucu dan penuh dengan humoran.

Untuk itu disini kami akan coba berikan  Cerita Humor Singkat Lucu Kocak Bikin Ngakak yang bisa menghibur kita semua dan akan membuat pembacanya senang tertawa sepuasnya dan bisa melupakan kesedihan ketegangan atau apa saja yang membuat pikiran ruwet.

cerita lucu

Mari kita simak aja Cerita Lucu yang Kocak dan tentunya akan membuat kita ngakak tertawa terbahak bahak:

Muhe Orang gaptek dan Ceno Orang Kepinteran Berbincang Di pameran Komputer.

Muhe : "Ceno, mau nanya dong? 'ENTER' itu maksudnya apa?"

Ceno dengan sigap menjawab: "Kayaknya untuk mempercepat program deh muh!"

Muhe : "Mempercepat gimana maksudnya Cen?"
Ceno : "Ya biar cepet kerjanya Muh. kalo tulisan nya ENTAR, khan jadinya lamaaa!!"

Muhe: "Oww, tanya lagi ya Cen, ini saya sudah masuk ke Internet Explorer. Kok saya ketik,ngak keluar apa-apa yah?"

Ceno : "Lah, di depan nya udah ngetik www nya belum Muh?"

Muhe : "Memangnya harus ya Cen, sebenarnya www itu apa?"

Ceno: "Eeeehhmmmm... Apa yah? Pokoknya kalo mau masuk ke website memang harus ketik www itu Muh, kode permisi gitu lhooh. kayak nya kalau ngak salah singkatan dari :
Wassalammualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokaatu..."

Muhe:..oh gituu ajiiibb juga ya cen....hehe

Cerita Lucu si Muhe

Si Muhe sedang buru-buru menuju ke kantornya karena kesiangan bangun dan tak sengaja dia menabrak seekor burung di tengah perjalanannya karna menendarai mobilnya dengan sangat cepat dilihatnya burung itu, ternyata kepalanya terluka dan burung itu pingsan karna merasa iba dan bersalah kepada burung itu maka dia memutuskan untuk pulang sesampainya dirumah ditaruhlah burung itu dalam sangkar besi dan diciprat2inya air, tapi burung itu gak sadar juga keesokan harinya ketika dia mau berangkat ke kantor diberinya air dalam wadah kecil dan roti dalam sangkar burung itu dipikirnya 'nanti setelah burung itu sadar pasti dia sangat haus dan lapar' dan dia berangkat kerja seperti biasa.... burung itu ternyata sadar juga burung itu melihat sekitar dilihatnya ada air minum dan septong roti.. terus dia melihat sekelilingnya ternyata dia ada di dalam jeruji besi dan burung itu berkata dalam hati sambil menangis... Oh... Tuhan rupanya kemarin aku menabrak pengendara mobil pasti dia meninggal sehingga aku sekarang di penjara. Maafkan aku Tuhan aku tak sengaja...gkgkgkgk.

Pemuda Dan Polisi

Dua orang pengendara motor berhenti pada lampu
merah dan bermaksud menanyakan jalan pada pak

Pemuda : "Pak...pak,mohon ma'af,numpang
nanya?? kalo jalan terdekat mau ke rumah sakit lewat mana ya

Polisi : "Ooh rumah sakit ya dek...!setelah
lampu merah
kamu jalan terus trus ada gang kamu belok kiri lalu
lewat jembatan belok kanan ada empat gang kamu
lurus setelah itu belok ke kiri???jwb pak

Pemuda : "Smbil garuk garuk kepala pemuda tsb
bertanya kembali.....pak !!! Kejauhan apa ndak ada jalan
pintas biar lebih cepat gitu???

Polisi : "Kamu maunya jalan pintas???Polisi
balik bertanya..gampang kok itu lampu merah kamu srobot trus tabrakin kamu ke truck....ntar juga ada ambulans jemput
langsung masuk rumah sakit!!!?


Bahaya Merokok

Ibu : "Bapak! sudah diberitahu berkali-kali masih juga merokok, rokok itu kan hanya menghambur-hamburkan uang saja!"

Ayah : "Iya saya tau"

Ibu : "Berarti bapak setuju dengan adanya banyak pabrik rokok di negara ini, yang hanya membuat bangsa ini melarat?"

Ayah : "Sebenarnya saya gak setuju dengan adanya pabrik rokok di negara kita ini!"

Ibu : "Trus, knapa masih merokok?"

Ayah : "Sebenarnya ingin sekali Ayah membakar pabrik rokok itu... tetapi apa daya... itu melanggar hukum, maka dari itu Ayah bakar satu-satu!"

ibu : "@#$%%^"

Tukang Ojek Dan Wanita Tua

Pada suatu malam, Bihin seorang tukang ojek yang sedang menunggu pelanggan lagi duduk termenung.kemudian datanglah seorang wanita tua yang mendatangi saya..

Wanita: Mas, ojek dong..

Bihin: Iya bu.. Kedaerah mana ya bu?

Wanita: Ikut aja, nanti saya tunjukin jalannya..

Bihin: Baik bu..

Kemudian mereka pun berangkat menuju kerumah sang wanita tua tersebut..

Wanita: Mas, belok kiri..
Bihin: Baik bu..
Wanita: Kanan mas..
Bihin: Oke..
Wanita: Lurus mas, trus belok kanan lagi dan ambil jalan kiri setelahnya... Turun gunung ada jalan kekiri, setelah lewat sungai kanan ya..
Bihin: Rumah ibu yang mana?
Wanita: Masih lurus lagi mas, pertigaan belok kanan, ada gang kecil disamping kuburan itu rumah saya..
Bihin: Oh iya bu..

Akhirnya sampailah mereka kerumah wanita tua..
Wanita: Berapa mas?
Bihin diam saja ketika ditanya..

Wanita itu kemudian memberikan uang sebanyak 5 ribu rupiah.. Namun tiba-tiba Bihin terlihat sedih dan menangis..

Wanita: Kenapa mas? kurang uangnya? kalo kurang saya tambah 10 ribu ya..

Namun Bihin malah menangis lebih kencang lagi..

Wanita: Masih kurang mas? jangan nangis gitu dong mas.. Ini 50 ribu buat mas dan langsung pulang aja soalnya udah mulai gelap..
Bihin pun bertambah kencang

Wanita: Ada apa sih mas?
Bihin: Sebenarnya saya baru pertama kali ngojek bu, saya lupa jalan pulangnya...

Cerita Si Inem Dan Ikan Mas Ajaib

Pada suatu hari si inem yang tingal di daerah pedalaman yang sangat terpencil pergi ke sebuah sungai untuk mencuci pakaian yang kebetulan sudah seminggu dikumpulkan dalam sebuah keranjang cucian sehingga dapat di bayangkan menumpuknya pakaian yang kotor sekaligus bau punya si inem dan suaminya paijo.
Singkat cerita hampir setengah dari pakaian yang cuci si inem,tak sengaja si inem menoleh ke samping terlihat seekor ikan mas berwarna merah lagi terjepit diantara bebatuan sungai,kemudian tak berpikir panjang si inem menghampiri ikan mas tersebut dan mengambil ikan mas tersebut namun tak dinyana si inem sangat terkejut ketika menangkap ikan mas itu, karena  betapa ajaibnya ikan mas itu bisa bicara:

Ikan Mas : terimah kasih inem, kamu sudah menolongku dari keadaan yang sulit

Inem : Kaget "hah" yaaa yaaa (sambil terbata bata karena ketakutan.

Ikan Mas : Tenang Inem aku tidak akan apa apakan kamu gak usah takut, malahn aku akan membantu kamu ayo sebutkan saja 3 permintaan kamu yang akan aku kabulkan.

Inem : beneran nih,,, aku pengen merubah wajahku yang jelek ini menjadi cantik..!

Ikan mas : sambil memercikan air dari ekornya kewajah si inem,sekarang lihatlah wajah kamu menjadi sangat cantik namun wajah suamimu si paiji 10x lipat menjadi ganteng.

Inem : terima kasih ikan,, sekarang wajahku menjadi sangat cantik,dan suamiku paijo menjadi ganteng.

Ikan mas :  Ayo permintaan yang kedua apa nem?

Inem : aku pengen kayaaaa karena aku bosan hidup miskin.

Ikan mas: okelah kalo begitu dengan sekali semburan 
'seketika si inem menjadi kaya" dan tak ketinggalan si paijo 10x lipat menjadi kaya. terus apalagi permintaanmu

Inem : terima kasih ikan mas,sekarang aku minta penyakit jantung yang ringan ringan saja.

Ikan mas: giiiiillaaaaaaa lu nem dasar kamu istri yang durhaka kamu pengen suamimu mampus karena aku kasih 10x lipat penyuakit jantung dasar istri kurang ajar. ikan mas itu pergi menghilang dan si inem menangis karena wajah dan hartanya yang telah diberikan ikan mas itu raib entah kemana.

Itulah sedikit cerita lucu singkat yang bisa membuat anda tertawa dan dapat menjadi hiburan yang tak akan pernah tergantikan sekian.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Latest Deal for Bling Jewelry Single Angel Feather Wings Dangle Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Bling Jewelry Single Angel Feather Wings Dangle Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Bling Jewelry Single Angel Feather Wings Dangle Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Spread your wings and fly away into a fashionable place when you wear our elegant Silver Single Angel Feather Wings Dangle Earrings. Finely crafted with gleaming .925 sterling silver, these gorgeous yet inexpensive angel wing earrings feature an intricate single feather detailing with two small silver beads on top that dangles heavenly off your ears with a French wire back. These pair of sterling silver dangle earrings will make you look divine and trendy with any outfit you wear. Feel angelic and tranquil when you wear these pair of marvelous yet affordable feather earrings, which also make a great gift for anyone on your holiday list.

List Price : $61.99 Price : $29.99

List below is why i think all of you should buy Bling Jewelry Single Angel Feather Wings Dangle Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Angel feather wings jewelry
1in L x .25in W
.925 Sterling silver
Total Weight 2.8 grams
pierced ears only

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Bling Jewelry Single Angel Feather Wings Dangle Earrings 925 Sterling Silver this month.

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Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Kumpulan Kata Kata Indah Ucapan Bulan Ramadhan

Marhaban Yaa..Ramadhan selamat datang bulan ramadhan bulan yang penuh rahmat dan ampunan dari ALLOH .S.W.T yang mungkin kita semua tidak mersakan betapa cepatnya waktu satu tahun begitu berlalu sehingga kita berjumpa lagi dengan bulan puasa seberapa banyak amal soleh kah yang kita kerjakan antara ramadhan yang lalu dan ramadhan yang akan kita sambut bersama nah disinilah kita harus benar benar men evaluasi diri kita semua agar senantiasa arti daripada bulan ramadhan itu sangat melekat dalam kehidupan kita.

Nah,untuk lebih menghangatkan suasana bulan ramadhan itu tiada salahnya saya akan membuat Kata Kata Indah Bulan Ramadhan sebagai bentuk kecintaan kita pada nilai bulan tersebut dan mungkin dapat di aplikasikan olah para pengunjung blog ini lewat sms untuk orang orang tercinta sehingga terkesan indah bagi penerimanya dan yang lebih penting lagi lewat kata kata ini bisa memberikan motivasi kita semua dalam menyambut dan menjalankan bulan puasa itu 

Berikut Kumpulan SMS Kata-Kata Bulan Ramadhan Terbaru :

Marhaban ya Ramadhan,
semoga bulan ini penuh BBM (Bulan Barokah dan Maghfirah)
mari kita PREMIUM (Pre Makan dan Minum)
serta SOLAR (Sholat Lebih Rajin ), dan
MINYAK TANAH (Meningkatkan Iman dan Banyak Tahan Nafsu Amarah)
serta PERTAMAX (Perangi Tabiat Maksiat)
Selamat menjalankan Ibada Puasa........
marhaban ya ramadhan….

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan...telah terbuka gerbang Rajab
terbentang jalan Sya'ban mari kita bersiap menanti hamparan taman Ramadhan
selamat melangkah untuk memasuki bulan yang penuh ujian dan berkah ini
semoga kita berhasil memenangkannya,,,,Selamat Berpuasa.

Andai semua HARTA adalah RACUN, maka ZAKATlah penawarnya. Jika seluruh UMUR adalah DOSA maka TAQWA & TOBAT obatnya, jika semua BULAN adalah NODA maka RAMADHAN adalah pembersihnya, marhaban ya ramadhan.

1 tahun tak terasa Ramadhan pun telah kembali mendatangi kita
Semoga yang dilalui dan dilakukan Menjadikan kebaikan di bulan suci ini
Marhaban yaa Ramadhan, Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa.

Hati yang terluka mungkin masih membekas, semoga di bulan suci ramadhan ini dapat di maafkan, selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa.
Maafin yee.. di bulan puasa ini , and satu pesen gw puasanya jangan bolong-bolong yahh..marhaban ya ramadhan.

Sebelum lidah keluh, sebelum hati kembali membeku, sebelum jempol kaku & sulit hanya untuk sekedar minta maaf lewat sms & sebelum semua operator sibuk..MOHON Maaf atas semua khilaf yg ku lakuin. Maafin yach !

Marhaban ya ramadhan..bln suci kembali tiba..saat tepat menyucikan diri dari segala dosa..tanpa basa basi mhn dimaafkan segala kesalahan.

Setetes Embun di Pagi hari
Jatuh di atas Bunga Melati
Inilah waktunya untuk perbaiki diri
Di Bulan yang suci ini
Selamat menjalankan Ibadah Puasa, semoga kita semua bisa diberkahi oleh Bulan yang mahrifah ini..Amiin..

Ramadhan adalah pembuktian cinta, pada setiap ruang dan waktu yang berpuluh-puluh berlipat ganda, Ketundukan adalah cinta, Kebajikan adalah cinta, Derma adalah cinta, dan menata hidup lebih dewasa adalah cinta. Ramadhan, saat memberi makna istimewa pada cinta kita. KIta telah bersama dalam ukhuwah semoga kelak kita dipertemukan oleh-Nya dalam ukhuwah pula, amin. Maaf untuk semua kesalahan.

Tiada kemenangan tanpa dzikrullah
Tiada amal tanpa keikhlasan
tiada ampunan tanpa  maaf dari sesama
mohon maaf....ya.
marhaban ya ramadhan.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Modern Marketing - Viral Marketing

It's hard not to notice that modern telecommunications have seriously changed virtually every aspect of our life. Just ten years ago, we'd never heard of Google, a word that has since entered the dictionary. Five years ago, YouTube wasn't a household name. Just a year ago, nobody had even heard of Twitter. Now they're all huge parts of our society. After all, you're reading this article on your computer right now. Not surprisingly, advertising has sought to keep up with changing trends, to be relevant to a society raised on absolute communication.
Viral marketing is a broad term used to describe an advertising concept in which advertisers take advantage of people's social networks to increase brand awareness and product sales. While that probably sounds vague and arcane, it's actually quite simple. Viral marketing uses word of mouth to spread its message. The trick is to somehow inspire people to talk about your marketing gimmick in a way that raises product awareness and increases sales. The name "viral marketing" refers to the way the advertising spreads rapidly and organically, like a virus.
To do this, companies produce all sorts of alternative forms of advertising, from internet games to video clips, software, and even text messages. Marketers identify people or demographics most likely to respond to the advertising and spread it, and then tailor the campaign to these people. The basic premise is that once these people accept the advertising, they will begin to spread it to other people, which will spread to other people, and so on. Viral marketing has gotten so advanced that there are algorithms used to describe the rate with which it spreads, and the maximum solvency the advertising will achieve.
Some of the most famous examples of viral marketing include:

The ad campaign leading up to the 1999 film The Blair Witch Project, which involved web sites and publications which claimed that the film was factual rather than fictional.

In 2002, luxury car manufacturer BMW produced a series of short films featuring their cars. The directors ranged from famous to up-and-comers, including John Frankenheimer, Wong Kar-Wai, John Woo, and Tony Scott. The films starred Clive Owen, and developed a serious fan base.

Burger King is particularly known for the technique, including a website called "Subservient Chicken" which allowed visitors to type in requests that a video chicken would perform. Another campaign involved leaving wallets around certain American metropolitan areas. The wallets contained money and coupons for Burger King products and came with a note explaining the gimmick.
Viral marketing is just the latest attempt of advertising to communicate something unique and personal to the public.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Best Offers for Ash Women's Cool Ter Fashion Sneaker,Silver,40 EU/10 M US

Ash Women's Cool Ter Fashion Sneaker,Silver,40 EU/10 M US

Ash Women's Cool Ter Fashion Sneaker,Silver,40 EU/10 M US

Perforated leather lends a sports-inspired texture throughout, and a padded tongue and top line add a cool finish. Covered wedge heel and rubber sole.

List Price : $265.00 Price : $149.99

List below is why i think all of you should buy Ash Women's Cool Ter Fashion Sneaker,Silver,40 EU/10 M US


Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Ash Women's Cool Ter Fashion Sneaker,Silver,40 EU/10 M US this month.

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Saturday, 10 May 2014

How To Choose An Elegant Roll Top Bath

To recreate the most traditional style of Roll Top Baths, your bathtub should be free standing on decorative feet. Some Roll Top Baths use a dais to elevate the main tub away from the floor. Free Standing Bath designs have aesthetic as well as practical purposes. 18th century Roll Top Baths were made using this type of design; your own modern day retro Roll Top Bath should also have the classic freestanding design. However, there are many semi modern styles of Roll Top Bath that will drop quite nicely into a traditional bathroom.

Another specific feature of a Roll Top Bath is its curved rounded edges. Classic roll top bathtubs do not have corner edges. The most popular Roll Top Bath tends to be what's known as a Slipper Bath. This is a classic design of Roll Top Bath with a high back that offers the most comfortable of bathing positions. Every fixture around the tub should be rounded and smooth, carefully choose a modern Roll Top Bath with these distinguishing features and you will be pleasantly satisfied. The smooth and rounded edges will help to create a comfortable and subtle feel, allowing you to recline and rest your head whilst soaking in your tub.

Another distinct feature of a Roll Top Bath is the dimensions as they are deeper than a normal bath. Due to a Roll Top Bath being so much deeper, you can soak your whole body inside the tub. Modern Roll Top Baths are made from different types of materials such as cast iron and acrylic. Cast Iron roll Top Baths tend be a lot more costly but offer a more realist traditional Roll Top Bath feel. It's also worth remembering that Acrylic Roll Top Baths tend to keep the water warmer for a while longer. Modern Roll Top Baths are usually double skinned which also assists with maintaining heat.

Friday, 9 May 2014

The One and only Counter Top Refinishing

Slow deterioration of a home and its components is inevitable. In a matter of five years or more, you need to expect some parts of your home to be gradually losing its usual appeal. Of course, this is a foreseeable event which you must be prepared of.

One of the areas which need considerable attention is your kitchen. Since you are able to make use of it each day, it is only normal for it to appear used or slightly damaged. Whenever these things happen, we need to decide whether a whole replacement or a refinishing will be done instead. The latter procedure saves you more time and money; but you need to consider a few factors before you make a change.

When You Would Need a Counter Top Refinishing

Counter top refinishing is needed when your kitchen counter needs a repair. It is a perfect solution for those home owners who choose to make a change in the decors of their kitchen. Counter top refinishing is also suitable for those who desire a change at a limited budget. When the condition of your counter tops is significantly impaired, then that is the time that you have to do a counter top refinishing project.

If your kitchen counters need to be remodeled but you do not have the time, then you should opt for a counter top refinishing instead. This way, it will save you more time because the changes can simply be done at home. If the edges of your counter top are damaged, then that would call for a counter top refinishing.

To sum it all up, you would know the need of refinishing if only a part of your counters are destroyed. However, if the entire counter top area has been ruined, then it would require for a complete replacement which is more and expensive and which can definitely take much of your time.

Why You Need a Counter Top Refinishing

Counter top refinishing can be done under two circumstances. The first reason would be a destroyed counter top and the second reason is for you to have a new look in your home. If you are bored of the old and usual counter top that you use everyday, you can decide to change provided that you have both the money and resources.

If your counter tops are slightly destroyed, you need to replace them partially through the refinishing process. Since this is only partial restoration of damaged materials, it will be less costly and will take only a fraction of your time.

Counter top refinishing can cover many purposes which may vary from person to person. Before even deciding on one, you need to consider your financial ability and your readiness to spare time for the refinishing process.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Viral Infection - Information on Viral Infection

Viral infections are hard to treat because viruses live inside your body's cells. They are "protected" from medicines, which usually move through your bloodstream. Antibiotics do not work for viral infections. There are a few antiviral medicines available. Vaccines can help prevent you from getting many viral diseases.

The body has a number of defenses against viruses. Physical barriers, such as the skin, discourage easy entry. Infected cells also make interferons, substances that can make uninfected cells more resistant to infection by many viruses.

Viral infections are caused by the virus. The virus enters the body through swallowing, inhalation, infected food, transfer from human to human contact, or transfer from insect bites. The instant the virus has entered the body, the immune system immediately tries to rid the alien particle from the system. Sometimes the immune system wins and sometimes the virus begins to attach itself to an available cell.

Viral infections in small children can be more difficult to deal with simply because children tend to be cranky when they are ill. Soothing their symptoms as they arise can help them cope with the illness. Adults who contract viral infections should listen to their body. Sleeping as needed and drinking ample fluids can help the body fight off the viral infection faster. Viral infections should be diagnosed by a physician.
Rotaviruses are a group of viruses that can cause severe viral gastroenteritis in infants and young children. They cause about half of all hospitalised cases of gastroenteritis in children less than five years of age. In temperate climates, ...

Unlike bacteria, viruses are not "living" organisms but capsules of genetic material. They require living hosts - such as people, plants or animals - to multiply. Otherwise, they can't survive. When a virus enters your body, it invades some of your cells and takes over the cell machinery, redirecting it to produce the virus. The virus may eventually kill the host cells. Some viral infections, such as influenza and HIV, are contagious. Others are not.

Viral infections can produce inflammation of the meninges (causing viral meningitis), the brain (causing viral encephalitis), the spinal cord (causing myelitis), or spinal nerve roots (causing shingles). Viral encephalitis is often accompanied by viral meningitis. Viral encephalitis is more serious because it directly affects the brain rather than the meninges.

Some viral infections are mild, causing fever and a general feeling of illness (malaise), often without specific symptoms. Usually, viral meningitis produces symptoms that are similar to those of bacterial meningitis (fever, headache, vomiting, weakness, and a stiff neck) but that are much less severe.

Yellow fever is a serious viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes in parts of Africa and South America. Vaccination is a legal requirement for people travelling through infected areas.